First Name
Last Name
How did you hear of Essex Gardens Trust?
How would you describe your own interest in gardens and landscapes?
If you selected Amateur, which below best describes you?
Somewhere in Between
If you selected professional, what is the Nature of your Work?
For which Organisation do you Work?
If you selected student, what is your Course of Study?
Where are you studying?
When does your course finish?
If you selected other, please provide more information
Which areas of EGT activity do you particularly value? Please tick all that apply:
Our Events
Our Illustrated Talks
Our Visits to Gardens and Landscapes
Our Recordings of the History of Essex Gardens and Landscapes
Our Involvement in the Official Process of Planning and Development
Our Supporting Campaigns to protect Gardens and Landscapes
Our Grants and Awards for Gardens, Landscapes, and the People who Work for Them
Our Journal
Our Social Media Presence
Our Website
Are there other areas of Garden and Landscape Activity you would like EGT to engage in on your behalf, or provide for you? If so, please describe:
EGT is a charity run by volunteers. If you would like to support our friendly and informal team with a few hours of your time, which areas of EGT activity would be of most interest to you? Please tick all that apply:
Fund Raising
Skill Sharing Digital Technologies
Providing Tea, Coffee and a Friendly Welcome at our Events
Promoting EGT at other Events
Supporting Campaigns for the Protection of our Gardens and Landscapes
Arranging a Talk or a Visit; Helping our Events Team
Conservation, Planning and Development, Helping our Conservation Team
Investigating the History of our Gardens and Landscapes; Helping our Garden Research Team
Sharing your Knowledge of Gardens and Landscapes, Helping our Education Team
Writing about Gardens and Landscapes, Helping our Communications Team
If you selected other, please provide more information