President: Lord Petre
Vice President: Marion Swetenham
Chair: Ashley Cooke
Hon Treasurer & Company Secretary: Stephen Ogle

Emma Cannell
Laura Chase
Adrian Gascoyne
Tricia Moxey
Jane Palmer
Kelly Fowler
Stephen Ogle
Carol White

Artist in Residence: Jane Frederick
Communications: Jane Palmer + Carol White
Conservation Officers: David Andrews & Megan Lloyd-Regan
Events Co-ordinator: Laura Chase
Membership Secretary: Carol White
Representative for Warley Place, Brentwood: Ailsa Wildig & Fiona Tittensor
Research Team Coordinator: Emma Cannell
Writer in Residence: Siobhan Pierce

If you wish to volunteer for any of the vacancies above or are interested in getting involved email

Adrian Gascoyne
Dr David Hessayon
Prof. Tim Middleton
Jill Plater